The Queen of Weight Loss

If you knew what I knew, you could do it too!

Royal Court Meeting, May 3 by Amy

Tuesday, May 4th, 2010 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Hello Royal Court,

As always, it was another amazing and informative meeting.  What I found most interesting is the fact that almost everyone in that room was either finishing another round or getting ready to begin a another round.  Now if that doesn’t speak volumes to what a complete success this program is, I don’t know what does.

 Key Topic:  The Seven Stages of Disease

1.  Enervation

2. Toxemia

3. Irritation

4. Inflammation

5. Ulceration

6. Induration

7. Cancer 

Learn how to recognize, reverse and recover from any and all of these stages.  The most important factor is knowledge.  Knowledge is essential in enabling us to be proactive and preventative. 

Also food combining is an excellent way to keep your digestion performing at best.

–  Eat fruit alone. 

– Eat proteins with vegetables only.

– Eat carbs with vegetables only. 

– Do not make a habit of  eating proteins and carbs together;  It’s simply too taxing on your digestive system. 

Lastly, I would like to give a shout out to Ms. Emily.  She has been with The Queen of Weight Loss since the very beginning and has played an integral role in each of our successes.  She was always there with the perfect recipe, keeping you from complete madness.  She always had  contagious optimism that radiated from her and flowed into the rest of us.  To me, she was more a teacher than a student and I will miss her deeply.  But I know that everyone in that room, all the lives she has touched and all the waistlines she has helped to transform, could not be more proud and grateful for her amazing future.  God Bless.

 Wonderful to see all of you.

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