The Queen of Weight Loss

If you knew what I knew, you could do it too!

Coaches Corner by Amy – May 2, 2011

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2011 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Hello Royal Court,

It was wonderful to see everyone as always.  And great to see 3 newbies.  Linda, Nikki and Barbara…I hope that rowdy crowd doesn’t deter you from coming back next Monday!!

Congrats to BEVERLY for winning the bonus question of the week!!  And also to Greg and Donna…congrats on making it to stabilization with such fantastic results.  You two are wonderful examples of how to have a clean and committed protocol.  OUTSTANDING!!

Tonight’s Lesson:  FREQUENCY FACTOR

This is probably the single most important factor of maintaining your weight going throughout your life.  The spiking/surging of insulin was, is and will always be the biggest cause for weight gain. 

Simply put, only invite insulin to your meals once a day, if that.  If you know you going to have carbs or sugar today, make sure that it’s the only meal where you have them.

It’s not the amount of carbs/sugar you at eat at one sitting, it’s the number of times you eat carbs/sugar throughout the day.  The number of times your insulin surges due to carbs/sugar is directly related to weight gain and many health issues such as diabetes.

1.  Get the weight off through Protocol

2.  Find and hold your weight on Stabilization

3.  Keep if off through Live Your Life based on Frequency Factor.  It’s the most important component to this program but thankfully, it’s the easiest.

Tip:  Carbs/sugars keep us in SAVING mode (everything gets stored in our fat cells). 

Only eating carbs/sugars once a day keeps us in a SPENDING mode (Everything we eat gets used for energy, not stored away in our fat cells).

Have a wonderful week,


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