The Queen of Weight Loss

If you knew what I knew, you could do it too!

Coaches Corner by Amy, May 24, 2011

Tuesday, May 24th, 2011 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Hello Royal Court.

It was lovely to see all your faces last night.  Everyone is looking so healthy and vibrant!!  All of you really look amazing!!!

Congratulations to PENNY ELLISON for winning the prize for this week’s contest!!

Tonight’s Topic:   MSG  (Glutamates)

These 3 letters should strike fear in the minds  of the health conscience. 

MSG is a natural occuring flavor enhancer.  No big deal, right??  Ummmm, yes it is a HUGE deal.  Just because something occurs naturally doesn’t necessariy mean we should be putting into our mouths.

MSG is highly addictive and can wreak havok on your health.  MSG is an excitotoxin- meaning it causes injury or death to cells by over-stimulation actually causing brain damage.  And in children, it can cause dyslexia, rage issues, autism, schizophrenia, seizures and cerebral palsy. 

And the most maddening thing about MSG is that the only reason this “natural” flavor enhancer is used is to cause addiction so we keep coming back for more.  It’s easy money.  Infuriating!!

Remember- Be diligent and informed when it comes to reading food labels.  Be fierce when it comes to protecting what goes into your mouth and the mouths of your family.  Don’t believe what you hear from the ignorant…they know not what the say!!

See you next week,


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