The Queen of Weight Loss

If you knew what I knew, you could do it too!

Coaches Corner by Amy – Sept. 26, 2011

Tuesday, September 27th, 2011 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Good morning ladies and gents,

WOW!!!  What a meeting.  That was certainly an informative and
powerful education we all had last night.

FOOD MATTERS delivered
a wide range of emotions to be sure.

At times I was furious at the attempts by the “powers
that be” to stifle information that nutrition is a powerful tool in the
protection, treatment and reversal of disease.

At other times, I found it comical that the medical
professionals we have been conditioned to trust the most regarding our health,
know the very least about it.

And lastly, I was disheartened to learn that the healthcare
industry in this country is more aligned with profiting from disease rather
than with the treatment of disease.

They can’t patent Vitamin C, so there’s no profit.  If there’s no profit, there’s no
research.  If there’s no research,
there’s no funding.  If there’s no
funding, there’s no discussion.  RIDICULOUS!!

This is the very
reason that we all have to make noise.
Refuse treatment that can cause more damage and proactively seek out
alternative choices that are less expensive, less invasive and were put on this
planet for a reason!!  It’s our right to
demand better food for ourselves and our children and it’s our responsibility
to inform others of this travesty.

Proper nutrition along
with supplemental nutrients, vitamins and minerals is the real health
insurance.  Whether or not it’s readily
excepted by conventional doctors is not the point.  The point is that it can be if we insist on
it.  The louder our voice, the more heads
are gonna have to turn.

Have a wonderful day,


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