The Queen of Weight Loss

If you knew what I knew, you could do it too!

Coaches Corner by Amy- Oct 10, 2011

Tuesday, October 11th, 2011 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Hello Royal

We were
small but mighty last night and what a fabulous meeting it was!!  Welcome to MARY DAVIS…..The newest member
of the Royal Court and a fountain of knowledge!!  Also congrats to Judy Breitstein for winning
the flaxseed oil.  (It’s amazing!)

Topic:   MSG  (Glutamates)

These 3
letters should strike fear in the minds
of the health conscience.  MSG is
a naturally occuring flavor enhancer and is highly addictive and can wreak
havok on your health.  MSG is an
excitotoxin- meaning it causes injury or death to cells by over-stimulation
actually causing brain damage.  And in
children, it can cause dyslexia, rage issues, autism, schizophrenia, seizures
and cerebral palsy.  Just because
something occurs naturally doesn’t mean we should be eating it.

And the most
maddening thing about MSG is that it actually causes us to become addicted to it.  And why?
For money, of course.  We keep
going back to the same restaurants and buying the same packaged foods because
we’re addicted to them.  And it’s harmful
to us!!  Infuriating!!

Remember- Be
diligent and informed when it comes to reading food labels.  Be fierce when it comes to protecting what
goes into your mouth and the mouths of your family.  And familiarize yourself with the over 100
names for MSG (glutamates).  They hide
this stuff in almost everything so be alert when shopping.

Also, I wanted
to mention iodine deficiency.  Iodine
plays a huge part in maintaining our overall health but much like Vitamin
D…many of us are deficient in it.
Iodine deficiency can lead to thyroid issues, obesity, cognitive
impairment, heart disease, psychiatric disorders and various kinds of
cancer.  The best way to increase your
level of iodine is to supplement.

Have a great


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