The Queen of Weight Loss

If you knew what I knew, you could do it too!

Coaches Corner by Amy – Nov 28, 2011

Tuesday, November 29th, 2011 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Great morning Royal Court,
 The last meeting of the
year was a great success!!  It was so good to see everyone looking so
wonderful.  I think the average weight loss in that room was over 50 lbs!!!
That’s so amazing!!!
Welcome  Roger and
Karen Van Dyk to the Royal Court and c
ongratulations  to Julienne for winning last
night’s prize.
The topic for last
night was a summary of all the lessons we’ve learned throughout the year and how
to make next year even better.  We have all learned so much.  We now know much
better what to eat, when to eat, where to eat, how to eat, where to shop, how to
prepare, what to bring and how to travel.  We’ve learned to read labels and
understand food philosophies.  We’ve learned that the scale is an asset and we
need to weigh everyday.  We know that water is vital in weight loss and
maintaining weight loss.  And we’ve even learned some tips to get weight off
when life happens.
But most of all we’ve
learned that we can all lose weight AND keep it off while becoming healthier
than we’ve ever been!!
Since we have no meetings in the month of December remember to stay plugged in.  Read your
emails, blogs and workbooks.  Listen to Failsafe Fridays.  Stay engaged in the
Facebook community.  We’ve all come to support one another and we will continue
to do so. 
Stay on the reservation:  Drink your water, get your sleep and have continued success
through the end of the year.
 2012 is the year of REDEMPTION and I know all of you will have even greater success!!!  Alisa, Mick
and I are always a phone call away and we wish you a blessed holiday and amazing
new year!!!!
Have a great day,

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